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Javen industrial detergent is no longer a strange name in daily life for each of us. It is used to whiten clothes, disinfect domestic water, disinfect livestock areas, toilets, etc. So what is Javen water, what should you pay attention to when using it?
Molecular structure of NaClO
1. General information about Javen water
- Javel (Sodium Hypochloite) or Javen water is a liquid mixture created from bubbling excess Cl2 gas into NAOH solution. The reaction creates two salts NaCl and NaClO or Javen water.
Cl2 + 2NaOH → NaCl + NaClO + H2O
- NaClO salt is the salt of the weak acid hypochlorous. In air, it easily reacts with CO2 to form hypochlorous acid. This is a very strong oxidizing acid.
- In the salt compound NaClO, Chlorine has an oxidation number of +1, so Chlorine has the ability to strongly oxidize substances to lower oxidation numbers.
- In addition, in the compound NaClO there is an Oxygen atom, which is also a strong oxidizing atom.
- Ink stains and color stains stuck on fabric fibers and materials are often complex organic compounds with double bonds “=” or acceptor bonds that are less stable, thanks to the strong oxidizing properties of the salt molecule NaClO, the The bond of the color complex compound is broken, thereby breaking down the color pigments of the material. That's why Javel water has bleaching and antiseptic properties.
2. Advantages and disadvantages of Javen water
2.1 Outstanding advantages of Javen water
- It is a powerful disinfectant and disinfectant.
- This is a substance produced in bottled liquid form so it can be easily transported and stored quite easily and conveniently.
- There are important applications in various manufacturing industries such as: sterilization, bacteria killing, cleaning and water treatment.
2.2 Disadvantages of Javen water
- This is a dangerous and corrosive substance, if direct contact will cause adverse effects on human health.
- If in large concentrations, it will pollute the environment.
- Do not expose Javen water to air, as this may cause disintegration.
3. The reason why Javen water has a pungent smell when using it
- In an acidic environment, NaClO reacts according to the equation:
NaClO + 2HCl → NaCl + Cl2+ H2O
- That pungent smell is the smell of chlorine gas produced, this is an extremely toxic gas, dangerous to those who inhale it.
4. How to prepare Javen water?
Hypochlorite was first produced in 1787 by Claude Louis Berthollet in his laboratory on Javel harbor in Paris, France. Here, he bubbled chlorine gas into the sodium carbonate solution. The resulting liquid, is known as “Eau de Javel” or Javen water. It is a weak solution of Sodium Hypochlorite. However, this method was not effective and people found another production method that is used to this day.
4.1 In the laboratory
Javen water is prepared by bubbling chlorine gas into dilute NaOH solution under normal temperature conditions.
Cl2 + 2NaOH → NaCl + NaClO + H2O (Javen water mixture)
4.2 In industry
- Javen water is prepared by electrolysis of sodium chloride sodium chloride solution with a concentration of 15 – 20% in an electrolysis tank without a membrane.
2NaCl + 2H2O → 2NaOH + H2 ↑ + Cl2 ↑
- Chlorine gas released at the anode electrode acts on Sodium Hydroxide NaOH created at the cathode electrode because the electrolysis tank has no membrane, creating NaCl and NaClO, which is the Javen water mixture.
Cl2 + 2NaOH → NaCl + NaClO + H2O
Electrolysis diagram to create javen water
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INDUSTRIAL JAVEN NaClO WATER – Chemical formula: NaClO – Origin: Vietnam – Product information: It is a chemical widely used in water treatment, the main purpose of use is to disinfect and decolorize water. Used in bleaching fabrics, fibers, paper and disinfecting barns, wastewater treatment… SEE DETAILS |
5. How does the concentration of Javen water affect the cleaning effect?
- Javen water has a concentration of 12% – 15%: Used for disinfection, treating contaminated water or water taken from nature. Depending on the level of contamination of the water, use the appropriate concentration of Javen water. Note that after treating the water, make sure that the chlorine concentration in the finished water does not exceed the allowable standards for chlorine in drinking water. , drink. If you smell the strong smell of chlorine in the water, it means that the initial concentration of Javen water used is excess.
- Javen water has a concentration of 1% – 6%: Used to bleach fabric fibers, clothes, protective clothing, bed sheets, etc. If you use high concentration Javen water, the fabric will be eaten. worn, broken, torn fabric fibers.
- Javen water has a concentration of 30%: Used to clean, disinfect, and sterilize liquids such as swimming pool water, toilet water, and places where dirty water accumulates.
- Javen water has a concentration of 0.025%: Used to disinfect drinking water. The requirement is to kill bacteria so it can be drunk immediately without boiling. Especially in cases of natural disasters and floods, using low concentration Javen water is the quickest and most effective solution in treating water and providing clean water for people (mix ratio of 1 liter of Javen). /4000 liters of water).
6. Javan water treats domestic water when floods occur
- Before the flood, a large amount of Javen water solution was produced for medical facilities to prepare for water disinfection and environmental sanitation. After production, Javen solution is stored in translucent plastic cans and bottles (the darker the better).
- For water taken from groundwater in drilled wells, the chlorine concentration used for disinfection ranges from about 1g of active chlorine per cubic meter of water. However, when floods occur, the water is contaminated with TDS, or total dissolved solids, so it has high turbidity and contains many types of dangerous bacteria, causing diseases of the digestive system. Large amounts of Javen water for disinfection and disinfection.
- The chlorine content then fluctuated between 2 – 3g of active chlorine per cubic meter of flood water after being treated by sedimentation and filtration methods. Javen water is produced using electrochemical technology on GIAVANG 30 equipment with an active chlorine concentration of 6 – 7g/l. Therefore, 1 liter of Javen can disinfect about 2 – 3 cubic meters of water for daily use.
Disinfect swimming pool water with Javan bleach solution
- However, it should be noted that this ratio is used when Javen is produced using electrochemical technology on GIAVANG 30 equipment with an active chlorine concentration of 6 – 7g/l. Each different Javen preparation device produces Javen products with different active chlorine content. Therefore, when using Javen water prepared from other types of equipment, you need to calculate the chlorine content used accordingly.
7. How to use Javen water to disinfect domestic water during flood season
- Determine the amount of Javen water needed according to the formula 1l Javen (active chlorine concentration 6 – 7g/l) can disinfect about 3 cubic meters of filtered domestic water.
- Pour the calculated amount of Javen water into barrels, tanks, etc. containing the corresponding amount of water, use a clean stick to stir until the Jave dissolves evenly in the water.
- Scoop up the water and smell it. If it smells like chlorine, it meets the requirements. After sterilization for about 30 minutes, the water can be used.
- Do not disinfect at the same time as alum beating because alum or organic substances in the water will absorb all active chlorine and lose the disinfectant effect of chlorine.
- After disinfection and disinfection, the finished water must have a chlorine smell for the disinfection to be effective.
- If you accidentally add too much Javen water, you need to add a corresponding amount of unsterilized water to reduce the chlorine content in the water. Wait another 30 minutes before using the water.
8. Does Javen water affect health?
Whether Javen water affects human health is a matter of great concern. The following are the effects of this chemical on our health:
- It is one of the corrosive substances that harms human health through inhalation and direct contact.
- Javen and the substances it produces will cause skin irritation, eye damage, nerve toxicity, and cancer if not used and stored carefully. Therefore, when coming into contact with that solution, we need to have full protective equipment.
9. What should you know when using Javen water?
- People under 18 years old and sensitive to chlorine gas should not work with Javen water solution. Javen water and substances produced by Javen cause skin irritation, eye damage, neurotoxicity, and cancer, so when using it, you need to wear labor protection equipment such as air filters, protective eyewear, and gloves. rubber because.
- When using Javen water (12% – 15% concentration) to clean the floor, it is necessary to open all room doors and let people out of the room before using Javen water. If you use Javen water with a concentration greater than 15%, after use, you need to use a lot of water to clean off all excess Javen as well as remaining impurities in Javen, clinging to the floor. Use a fan to expel excess chlorine and organic forms of chlorine before returning the person to the room. In areas where people cannot be taken out of the room such as sick rooms, do not use Javen water to clean the floor, but only use normal household water.
- After using Javen to remove stains on clothes and fabric items, to limit and avoid fabric wear and tear, use a mild acid solution such as acetic acid to remove excess NaOH. in Javen water impurities.
- Do not let Javen water come into contact with or adhere to metal objects such as machinery or iron beds because it will cause metal to corrode.
- In technical rooms, chemical experiments, biochemical tests, microbiology tests… there are often acids, hydrogen peroxide H2O2, ammonium hydroxide NH4OH scattered on the floor and desks. It is necessary to clean these substances with clean water before using Javen water, to avoid cases where Javen water will react with these substances to produce toxic substances.
Javan bleach to whiten clothes
- Javen modulation devices must be placed in a well-ventilated room. It is necessary to close the lids of Javen water tanks to prevent gas from escaping. For sick people, they should absolutely stay away from the Javen production area.
- Containers containing Javen solution to sterilize medical equipment and instruments need to be tightly covered and labeled.
- Absolutely do not mix Javen water solution with other disinfectants as well as acid and ammonia products, to avoid the risk of forming toxic chlorine gas.
- Containers, bottles, and jars containing Javen water need to be stored in a cool and dark place, not in acidic warehouses or warehouses containing volatile substances because Javen is likely to react with these substances if used. get out. At the same time, keep them away from places where different types of pharmaceuticals are kept, out of reach of children.
- Current domestic and drinking water is mostly tap water that has been sterilized and disinfected with Javen water with chlorine concentration in the water meeting prescribed standards. If the water smells strongly of chlorine, it means the water has exceeded the allowable chlorine concentration. Absolutely do not drink this water directly. You must let the chlorine smell evaporate or boil it to let the chlorine vapor evaporate before using it to avoid chlorine poisoning.
10. Reputable address to buy Javen water, best price in Hanoi
On the current market, Javen water is sold a lot, widely, and difficult to control. Many products do not have labels or clear origin. If you are unlucky enough to buy products of poor quality without warning labels, it will be very dangerous. There are many cases where young children mistakenly drank this product due to lack of understanding.
Although they are not life-threatening, they also have a negative impact on children's digestive and respiratory systems. So where to buy Javen water to ensure quality? That is the question of many customers. A reliable address chosen by a large number of consumers is Trường Chu Văn An company.
Kim Nguu Chemical and Equipment Import-Export Company – Vietnam's leading chemical supplier, has 3 headquarters located in Hanoi, Ho Chi Minh City, Can Tho, specializing in distributing genuine products, Imported directly from famous brands in the world:
- The products are diverse in design, size, and brand, making it convenient for customers to shop and choose.
- The most competitive prices on the market, especially when buying in large quantities, customers will receive many price incentives.
- Purchasing and payment operations are simple and fast.
- Experienced 24/7 online consulting staff.
- Fast delivery time.
Any questions you have about the product Javen industrial detergentplease visit website vietchem.com.vn or call hotline 0826 010 010 for support and the best quote.
See more:
- Javen Water NaClO 8% Vietnam
- Hydrogen peroxide (hydrogen peroxide) H2O2 30kg – Korea
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